
Team Formation (Meet & Greets)

If you came into PackHacks with a team in mind, that's great! If not, that's okay too! To help you build your team, if you so choose, there will be Team Formation events for each of the tracks starting at 10:00 AM (EDT) on April 2nd. These events will help you meet new people who are looking for teams and teams who are looking for more people.


We will use Glimpse to help facilitate team formation. Glimpse is a platform that allows individuals to meet one another in a round-robin like format. You will be randomly matched with a person who is also looking for teammate (you can choose to skip the match or leave the meeting at any time). Both parties will then have the chance to chat with each other for ~3 minutes and see if they are a good fit for one another. During this chatting period you can exchange contact information and choose to extend your talk if you so choose. After the chatting period is over you will be matched with another individual or you may choose to leave the session.

Click the link below to join Glimpse:

Join my event!